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The Birthday Party: 2D Work

Please scroll for more images of the 2D work included in this installation.

My emotions and trauma always have had a close link with my work and as I have a new therapist, I was beginning to notice that I was yet to grieve over this change in my life. Something that came up in one of our first few sessions was the idea of my inner child and how I have repressed her for years. This intrigued me to let her come out to play with my work, releasing my restriction on her. I did not set out for my work to have such a close connection with my childhood and my stark change to adulthood with bereavement, but I feel because I have been discussing these things with my counsellor, they have been at the forefront of my mind and therefore have weaved their way into my installation.

I feel I am doing my inner child proud; becoming more confident and finally creating a childhood I needed.

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